We Are Green Gnomes
Retrofit Services Consultancy
Our dedicated team have over 30 years combined experience in the energy efficiency industry and we are here to work with you, guide you and help you through the process with consistent support from our trusted Retrofit Team.
Award Winning Company
The Green Gnomes team would just like to share a huge warm thank you to all our partners, clients, and our team for playing a big part in our success at the energy efficiency awards.
Winners of Energy Consultancy of the Year for East of England.
Shortlisted for the National Awards upcoming this Autumn.
Winners of Energy Consultancy of the Year for East of England.
Third Place for Energy Consultancy of the Year, National Awards.
Winners of Energy Consultancy of the Year, East of England.
Third Place for Energy Consultancy of the Year, National Awards.
We're also the proud winners of the Energy Efficiency Champion of the Year 2017, where Nick was awarded this accolade for his passionate work within the energy industry.
The Team
Our Accreditations
2418335, 2416643, 2696111, 2695135
ECMK303843, ECMK303777